Bald cap application, before. Bald cap application, after. Self-made bald cap creation (left) and application (above). Silicone nose application. Real nose left. False nose sculpt. False silicone nose creation process. Bruising, created with illustrator/ grease paint. Silicone wound application and colour. Bullet wound bondo application and colour. ‘To Whom it may Concern’, Krollekop Productions. Neck scratches created with illustrator colour. ‘The Last Delivery’, University of Westminster. Beaten up look on main character. Split lip, scrapes on cheek and chin, and smudged make-up. Created with illustrator and blood. ‘The Last Delivery’, University of Westminster. Fresh cheek bruising using illustrator colour. ‘The Night Watch’, final filming project at The Iver Academy. Facial scarring created with collodion and directly applied prosthetic silicone, with use of lace to help droop the eye. 1940’s male grooming. Silicone blood rig neck wound. Pre-painted before application. Silicone blood rig neck wound without running blood. Silicone blood rig neck wound with running blood. ‘Cutting’, University of Westminster. Main actor is a UFC fighter cutting weight. Self-harm scars – sculpt and final moulds that were then filled with pro-bondo for application. Clear pro-bondo was mixed with flocking for colour. Bondo self harm scars applied on forearm (also right). Bondo self harm scars on thigh. Cauliflower ear flat mould – sculpt and final appliance. I went through 3 variations before settling on this. I had to flat mould it due to time/monetary restraints. After a night of cutting weight. Looking sweaty and tired. Application of cauliflower ear prosthetic pieces. Also neck scratches created with illustrator colours. Sweating to cut weight. Mix of glycerin/water and Ripper FX sweat as well as reddened face. Main character has taken his frustrations out on a wall. Created with skin illustrator. Hand painted tattoo. All We Are UK, Jewellery Advertising Shoot, 2020. SMUFX Assistant to Stefanie Kemp. I assisted in applying and colouring the prosthetic pieces on this alien. I was also charged with colouring the hands/chest/neck. Tonsure, ‘Cursed’, Netflix 2019. Tonsures painted by Horatio Martinez or Raj Shah. Example of one of many silicone tonsures that I ran for this production (I was not the only tonsure runner). I would batch make them in 3 different skin tones. Leper, ‘Cursed’, Netflix 2019. Assistant to Olivia Jerrard for application. Snake Elder, ‘Cursed’, Netflix 2019. Assistant to Elizabeth Hedley, Raj Shah, and Stefanie Kemp for applications. I also ran and prepped most of the daily silicone pieces, as well as the pro-bondo blenders. Sculpted by Jenn Drew. Faun, ‘Cursed’, Netflix 2019. Myself and another trainee (Sophie Roberts) helped to re-create this Faun character.